
Dissemination of hate speech and extremist narratives in the digital space - Albania, 2024

This monitoring report integrates the human analysis of the "Trusted Flaggers Network" together with the potential of search engines to identify and analyze keywords related to violent extremism and hate speech in online space in Albania. The findings and recommendations seek to provide an assessment of threats, highlighting new tendencies, identifying gaps in the existing frameworks and providing recommendations for effective countermeasures.

Analysis and recommendations on electoral reform 2024

This package of analysis and recommendations addresses the potential and challenges of key electoral reform debates:

• Ensuring the vote of the Diaspora;
• National electronic voting;
• Depoliticization of the electoral administration;
• Proportional system with an electoral district;
• Restrictions on the use of state resources.

Complete report package

Career planning manual for young people

This manual aims to provide advice and practical help to recognize the personal characteristics that need to be considered, such as: personality traits, interests and desires, personal skills and values, career maturity and expected career outcomes and goals.

You can download it here

The decision of the Constitutional Court on the vote of the diaspora

Minutes of the meeting of the Legislation Council 3.4.2023

Analysis of the legal framework on countering violent extremism in online space

The document is a result of a desk research focused on identify the state of play of legal framework and mechanisms employed for the purpose of countering online radicalization in Albania and examples of policies that are implemented in the region and other countries.  

Monitoring report of violent extremism through online platforms in Albania (2023)

The second monitoring of the situation of elements of violent extremism online provides valuable data as well as some recommendations for institutions and other actors responsible for building relevant policies to provide a safe electronic environment.

first monitoring report of the legal framework in the local elections of May 14

The first monitoring report of the legal framework and its implementation in the local elections of May 14, 2023, was provided by the Academy of Political Studies (ASP) in collaboration with the Institute of Political Studies (ISP). This is a preliminary assessment report on the issues of the initial election phase.

The full report might be consulted here 

A guide for National Unique Portal for website containing illegal content

The informative brochure aims to promote the National Unique Portal for website containing illegal content as well as to raise awareness of various public and private actors on the importance of cooperation for the effective identification and removal of such materials.
Click here for pdf version / Available only in Albanian language  

Alumni's magazine 2020

The seventh issue of the ASPS annual alumni magazine, is a publication that addresses alumni, but also aims to serve them as an opportunity to further promote the achievements in their personal careers, as well as joint activities organized by their network.

Click here for pdf version / Available only in Albanian language 

Voter's passport 2021

The brochure presents a brief summary of the new provisions of the Electoral Code. Through the information provided each voters would be able to understand his rights and responsabilities during the election process.
Click here for the pdf version

Informative poster on provisions of public resources in elections

The informative poster presents the duties and restrictions for public officials for the use of public resources during 4 month on the eve of elections. The publication aims to inform the public stakeholders but also the citizens who received services in these institutions for the new provisions of Electoral Code.
Click here for the pdf version 

Informative poster on financing of electooral campaing

The informative poster presents the new provisions of Electoral Code for the financing and promotional materials during electoral campaign. The publication aims to inform the public stakeholders but also the citizens who received services in these institutions for the new provisions of Electoral Code.
Click here for the pdf version 

The economic impact of the COVID-19, challenges and opportunities

The paper provides an analysis of the level of impact on the economy of COVID-19 as well as the forecast for the near future. Based on the analysis of this assessment and projections, some recommendations are offered in the perspective of crisis review as an opportunity to offer a new approach to the economic development of the country.
Click here for pdf version 

Elections under pandemic, best practices and recommendations

This technical paper aims to provide to the Central Electoin Commsion and other stakeholders involved in the process of elections the best practices of implementing new requirements without compromising the integrity or legitimacy of elections. The document is an additional support of the ASP as part of cooperation for the capacity building of the Central Election Commission’s staff under the support of the Council of Europe. 

Local actors contribution in the integration process

The Civil Society Forum, a platform of local actors in the region of Shkodra, Lezha, Durres, Fier and Vlora, aims to offer their joint contribution to the country's European integration process. This analytical document was developed on the recommendations of the first meeting of the Forum and in order to give a further answer to the question of how the cooperation between the local actors can be increased.

Collection of best practices of local actors

This electronic publication presents 30 best practices of cooperation between local authorities and civil society in Poland, Italy and Albania, focusing on the promotion of European models of local government. The publication is part of the project "Starting from the basics - The role of Civil Society in the European integration process", supported by the European Commission and the Ministry of Economy and Finance under the IPA II instrument - 2014.

The violent extremism propaganda circulating on online platforms in albanian

This report aims to identify the elements of violent extremism circulating online as well as provide valuable statistics and recommendations for building relevant policies to provide a secure electronic environment. The publication is part of the project “Enhancing resilience in Albanian cyber ecosystem against Violent Extremism", supported by the US Embassy in Tirana.

Legislative framework for countering Violent Extremism in cyberspace in Albania

The study provides an assessment of the legal and institutional framework present in Albania against violent extremism in cyber space. The publication is part of the project “Enhancing resilience in Albanian cyber ecosystem against Violent Extremism", supported by the US Embassy in Tirana.

Albania EU integration path, challenges and opportunities

This study analyzes the problems that harm and do not maximize Albania's benefit within the country's European integration process. The publication is part of the project "Starting from the grassroots: The role of Civil Society in the EU integration process in Albania", funded by the European Instrument IPA II of the European Union.
Avaialable in Albanian language here

The inclusion of women from rural areas in decision-making practices

The aim of this study is to bring up recommendations for ensuring a more inclusive decision-making process with special focus in women from rural areas. The policy study focused on the Municipality of Tirana to be considered as an additional tool for development of its policy-making processes. This project is developed in the framework of the “Policy Research for Young Academics Program”.

Click here for PDF version 

Management of civil emergencies towards autonomy to act in case of floods

The policy study focused on the Municipality of Tirana and specifically on how civil emergencies caused by floods are managed at the local level, by the Directory of Civil Emergencies, Municipality of Tirana. The final paper will be submitted to the Municipality of Tirana to be considered as an additional tool for development of its policy-making processes. This project is developed in the framework of the “Policy Research for Young Academics Program” – (PRYA) programme focused on incentivizing evidence-informed policymaking.

Click here for PDF version

From their farms to the market - How do rural producers in the municipality of Tirana (not) participate

This study tries to analyze the most important problems that small agricultural producers face in Tirana for access in city markets and highlights the fact that until now the implemented policies have not basically treated the informality problem. The policy study must be considered as an additional tool for development of its policy-making processes. This project is developed in the framework of the “Policy Research for Young Academics Program”.

Click here for PDF version

Revitalization of the Mosaic of Tirana, its importance for the development of cultural tourism in Tirana

This study brings a successful model of the revitalization of the Mosaic of Tirana, the archeological site in town, aiming to liven it up and to generate income, with the aim to be considered as an additional tool for development of policy-making processes of Municipality of Tirana. This project is developed in the framework of the “Policy Research for Young Academics Program”.

Click here for PDF version

Inclusive education in Tirana’s middle schools: perceptions on barriers, dimensions and perspectives

This policy study identify the main challenges that middle schools in Tirana face in insurance of “inclusive education”, by also offering four policy recommendations for the Municipality of Tirana, to be considered as an additional tool for development of its policy-making processes. This project is developed in the framework of the “Policy Research for Young Academics Program”.

Click here for PDF version

Alumni's magazine 2019

The fourth issue of the ASPS annual alumni magazine. It is a publication that addresses alumni, but also aims to serve them as an opportunity to further promote the achievements in their personal careers, as well as joint activities organized by their network. 

Click here for pdf version / Available only in Albanian language 

White paper - Potential of Urban Mobility in Albania

This white paper presents a summary of current legislation, the potential for implementing sustainable urban mobility plans, and relevant recommendations for enhancing parliamentarians' role in urban mobility issues. The paper was prepared thanks to the professional contribution of the Co-Plan Institute.

Click here for PDF version

Manual of first time voter - 2019

This manual is prepared by the Academy of Political Studies in the framework of the "Awarenes raisint campaing for first time voters - 2019". The publication addresses all young people in order to inform them about the importance of participation, the voting process and also the sanctions in case of abuse of this right they have acquired.

Available for download only in Albanian language  

Management of civil emergencies towards autonomy to act in case of floods

The policy study focused on the Municipality of Tirana and specifically on how civil emergencies caused by floods are managed at the local level, by the Directory of Civil Emergencies, Municipality of Tirana. The final paper will be submitted to the Municipality of Tirana to be considered as an additional tool for development of its policy-making processes. This project is developed in the framework of the “Policy Research for Young Academics Program” – (PRYA) programme focused on incentivizing evidence-informed policymaking. 

Click here for PDF version 

Monitoring report of Energy Efficiency legislation - 2018

This monitoring report analyzes the implementation of legislation on energy efficiency in Albania in 2018 and aims to identify the challenges and opportunities for achieving these objectives and to propose steps to be taken by parliamentarians and various actors to meet these objectives.

Available only in Albanian language

Alumni's magazine 2018

The fourth issue of the ASPS annual alumni magazine. It is a publication that addresses alumnis, but also aims to serve them as an opportunity to further promote the achievements in their personal careers, as well as joint activities organized by their network.  

Click here for pdf version / Available only in Albanian language 

Guide for Resilience to counter Violent Extremism

This guide prepared by the Academy of Political Studies aims to inform young people, teachers and parents about violent extremism and provide some tips to create the youth resilience against this threat. It was supported by the financial support of the European Union under the sub-granting scheme of the EU funded project “Strengthening Civil Society to Build Youth Resilience to counter Violent Extremism”, implemented by Terre des Hommes Albania, ISD, CCG and Beder University.

Teacher's Guide on the Prevention of Violent Extremism

This manual is dedicated for the teachers in view of the organisation of debates with student related to the violent extremism. It is prepared by UNESCO and translated by the Instituti për Zhvillimin e Arsimit. The publication was supported by the financial support of the European Union under the sub-granting scheme of the EU funded project “Strengthening Civil Society to Build Youth Resilience to counter Violent Extremism”, implemented by Terre des Hommes Albania, ISD, CCG and Beder University.
Available only in Albanian language 

Report of activity of Central Election Commission - 2017

Raporti i Veprimtarisë së Komisionit Qendror të Zgjedhjeve përmban informacionin e plotë mbi organizimin dhe administrimin e zgjedhjeve parlamentare të 25 qershorit 2017.
Mund të shkarkoni raportin këtu

Final narrative report of First Time Voters 2017

The Academy of Political Studies successfully completed the First Time Voters Education Program for the June 25, 2017 parliamentary elections.This final narrative report contains the main activities and results but also lessons learned and recommendation for the follow up of this programme.
Click here for PDF version 

Manual of first time voter - 2017

This manual is prepared by the Academy of Political Studies in the framework of the "Awarenes raisint campaing for first time voters - 2017". The publication addresses all young people in order to inform them about the importance of participation, the voting process and also the sanctions in case of abuse of this right they have acquired.

Available for download only in Albanian language  

Assessment Study on the electoral information and training needs of target groups of stakeholders - 2017

Academy of Political Studies implemented the survey related to the "Assessment Study on the electoral information and training needs of target groups of stakeholders". Over 1,200 local authorities, electoral observers, minorities and other vulnerable groups. The study was commissioned by the OSCE Presence with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, in close cooperation with the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) and the Council of Europe.

Click here for PDF version

Fourth edition of alumni magazine

The fourth issue of the ASPS annual alumni magazine. It is a publication that addresses alumnis, but also aims to serve them as an opportunity to further promote the achievements in their personal careers, as well as joint activities organized by their network.   

Click here for PDF version / Available only in Albanian language 

11th newsletter of the Schools of Political Studies

This quarterly newsletter is prepared by the Directorate of Policy Planning of the Council of Europe in collaboration with the Association of the Schools of Political Studies and intends to serve as a tool for the Schools themselves as well as provide useful information to friends and supporters of the Schools. If you wish to subscribe to the Newsletter, please subscribe here:

Click here please for 11th edition - May 2016 

Quality and impact assessment of the programme of Albanian School of Political Studies

This quality and impact assessment of the Albanian School of Political Studies programme was prepared thanks to the evaluations and recommendations submitted by the alumni of the generations 2007-2015.


Available for download only in Albanian language  


10th newsletter of the Schools of Political Studies

This quarterly newsletter is prepared by the Directorate of Policy Planning of the Council of Europe in collaboration with the Association of the Schools of Political Studies and intends to serve as a tool for the Schools themselves as well as provide useful information to friends and supporters of the Schools. If you wish to subscribe to the Newsletter, please subscribe here:

Click here please for 10th edition - January 2016

Third edition of alumni magazine

The third issue of the ASPS annual alumni magazine. It is a publication that addresses alumnis, but also aims to serve them as an opportunity to further promote the achievements in their personal careers, as well as joint activities organized by their network.  

Click here for PDF version / Available only in Albanian language

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - September 2015

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version   

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - August 2015

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version  

A guide book on participating in the creation of public policies on energy efficiency

This guide is a concise overview of ideas, recommendations and experiences of CSOs from South East Europe region dealing with energy efficiency public policies. It is also an overview of methods through which certain results have been achieved. It consists of a number of advices on how to encourage and organize public dialogue, accompanied by specific examples. The publication was translated and adapted by the APS as part of the action under the STRONG SEE and the PDI projects.

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - July 2015

his monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Local Platform for Action on sustainable use of energy in Pogradec and Korca

The documents produced by the project aims to ensure a practical local action plan for the sustainable use of energy in Pogradec and Korca regions. Through the transformation of the national policies to actions at local level, shall be increased the willingness and encouragement of all local stakeholders to continue the dialogue and have local ownership of this action.

Analysing Conditions and Needs to Improve Energy Efficiency in the Municipalities of Bitola and Kichevo

This policy paper aims to present the analysed data of the research in two neighbouring municipalities: Kichevo and Bitola. By using adequate research instruments, CRPM got the picture of the situation related to the improvement of energy efficiency in Bitola and Kichevo and the problems and challenges that citizens, companies, NGO sector and local government face regarding the rational energy use.

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - June 2015

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version 

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - May 2015

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - April 2015

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version 

Second edition of alumni magazine

The second issue of the ASPS annual alumni magazine. It is a publication that addresses alumnis, but also aims to serve them as an opportunity to further promote the achievements in their personal careers, as well as joint activities organized by their network.  

Click here for PDF version / Available only in Albanian language

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - March 2015

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - February 2015

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version 

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - January 2015

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version  

8th newsletter of the Schools of Political Studies

This quarterly newsletter is prepared by the Directorate of Policy Planning of the Council of Europe in collaboration with the Association of the Schools of Political Studies and intends to serve as a tool for the Schools themselves as well as provide useful information to friends and supporters of the Schools. If you wish to subscribe to the Newsletter, please subscribe here:

Click here please for 8th edition - January 2015

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - December 2014

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version 

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - November 2014

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version 

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - October 2014

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version 

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - September 2014

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version

7th newsletter of the Schools of Political Studies

This quarterly newsletter is prepared by the Directorate of Policy Planning of the Council of Europe in collaboration with the Association of the Schools of Political Studies and intends to serve as a tool for the Schools themselves as well as provide useful information to friends and supporters of the Schools. If you wish to subscribe to the Newsletter, please subscribe here:

Click here please for 7th edition - September 2014

Council of Europe - Highlights 2013

This publication presents the work carried out in 2013 by the different bodies and sectors of the Council of Europe, highlighting its particular strengths and achievements.

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - June 2014

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version

The monthly political analysis POLITIKA - May 2014

This monthly publication is prepared in cooperation with the website and aims to select and translate in Albanian the best political analysis from international scholars. This elite magazine will be used also to create the adequate environment for an online platform of debate and dialogue between alumni network members.

Click here please for PDF version

The annual report of activities 2013

The summary of annual activites of Academy of Political Studies. By analyzing this entire year-long journey, we feel proud of the results achieved so far, but at the same time we are convinced that there is still much to do on the long road of creating new elite of leaders.

Click here for PDF version

Annual report on "Public Dialogue on energy" 2013

The initiative for establishing a public dialogue on the sustainable use of energy in South East Europe was launched since 2011 by the members of the network of schools for political studies. APS is the implementing partner in Albania of this regional project. The first phase of intervention aimed to lobby at all the decision-makers and stakeholders on preparation and discussions with the groups of interest of the new energy legislation. The objective of the second phase of this programme in Albania was to raise the awareness of local authorities on the importance of energy efficiency and assist them in developing training and education on the new legislation, promotion of measures of diversification of use of energy and creation of incentives to support energy-efficiency- friendly businesses. 

Click here please for PDF

First edition of ASPS alumni magazine (2013)

The first issue of the ASPS annual alumni magazine. It is a publication that addresses alumnis, but also aims to serve them as an opportunity to further promote the achievements in their personal careers, as well as joint activities organized by their network.  

Newsletter of the Schools of Political Studies

This quarterly newsletter is prepared by the Directorate of Policy Planning of the Council of Europe in collaboration with the Association of the Schools of Political Studies and intends to serve as a tool for the Schools themselves as well as provide useful information to friends and supporters of the Schools. If you wish to subscribe to the Newsletter, please subscribe here:

Please click here for 5th edition - January 2014

Publication on Energy Efficiency

Report of the Group of Eminent Persons of the Council of Europe

In the summer of 2010, the Council of Europe’s Secretary General, Thorbjørn Jagland, asked an independent “Group of Eminent Persons” (the Group) to prepare a report on the challenges arising from the resurgence of intolerance and discrimination in Europe. The report assesses the seriousness of the risks, identifies their sources and makes a series of proposals for “living together” in open European societies. The Group is headed by the former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. It is composed of nine members – four women and five men – each from a different member state of the Council of Europe.

Follow the link to read the GEP report:


The summary of annual activites of Academy of Political Studies. By analyzing this entire year-long journey, we feel proud of the results achieved so far, but at the same time we are convinced that there is still much to do on the long road of creating new elite of leaders. The publicaton is available in both Albanian and English language.