ASP launch the joint Albania-Kosovo project for Energy and Climate

Friday, April 22, 2022

ASP started the implementation of the project “Pathway towards an efficient use of local natural resources” focused on increasing the knowledge and cooperation of various actors in Albania and Kosovo for the implementation at the local level of national policies on energy efficiency and climate change. This project is implemented in cooperation with the partner of the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS) and the municipalities of Kurbin and Suhareka, under the support of European Union IPA II Cross-Border Program Albania- Kosovo. The action has a duration of 30 months in the period April 2022 - September 2024.

The local authorities in the two targeted municipalities will benefit from capacity building of their staff as well as the exchange of expertise for the drafting of Local Energy Action Plans and other legal practices, as obligations arising for the local authorities by national energy and environment legislation.
At the same time, the project will enable a pilot investment at a kindergarten in Kurbin and solar energy lighting of three public facilities in Suhareka. These pilot investments will not only improve the quality of local services, but aim to raise awareness among businesses and the local community to orient their investments towards green choices.

The establishment of a sustainable mechanism for dialogue and consultation between all local actors on issues of energy efficiency and climate change and its implementation will be enabled thanks to the experience of ASP and PIPS to bring together local business, civic actors and media representatives.

All these interventions are expected to contribute to environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in both countries, through a more efficient and nature-friendly intervention.